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You are here: Home / , , , List of 100 common English irregular verbs with Spanish translation (Level: A2/B1)

List of 100 common English irregular verbs with Spanish translation (Level: A2/B1)

The English language has many irregular verbs, approaching 200 in normal use —and significantly more if prefixed forms are counted. In most cases, the irregularity concerns the past tense (also called preterite) or the past participle. Here is a list of 100 very common English irregular verbs + a short list of some verbs which can be either regular (+ed) or irregular (learnt - learned).

1 be - was, were - been - ser/estar
2 beat - beat - beaten - golpear
3 become - became - become - convertirse
4 begin - began - begun - empezar
5 bend - bent - bent - doblar(se)
6 bet - bet - bet - apostar
7 bite - bit - bitten - morder
8 bleed - bled - bled - sangrar
9 blow - blew - blown - soplar
10 break - broke - broken - romper
11 bring - brought - brought - traer
12 build - built - built - construir
13 buy - bought - bought - comprar
14 catch - caught - caught - atrapar
15 choose - chose - chosen - elegir
16 come - came - come - venir
17 cost - cost - cost - costar
18 cut - cut - cut - cortar
19 deal - dealt - dealt - negociar
20 dig - dug - dug - (ex)cavar
21 do - did - done - hacer
22 draw - drew - drawn - dibujar
23 drink - drank - drunk - beber
24 drive - drove - driven - conducir/manejar
25 eat - ate - eaten - comer 

Check the whole list on the PDF.

List of 100 common English irregular verbs with Spanish Translation - 321LearnEnglish.com

Download a PDF with a list of 100 common English irregular vebs with Spanish translation