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EvAU - Selectividad Madrid - Complete sentences (3)

EvAU - Selectividad Madrid - Complete sentences (3)

"Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets when given." This part of...
321learnenglish.com | No comment
EvAU - Selectividad Madrid - Complete sentences (2)

EvAU - Selectividad Madrid - Complete sentences (2)

"Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets when given." This part of...
321learnenglish.com | No comment
EvAU - Selectividad Madrid - Complete sentences (1)

EvAU - Selectividad Madrid - Complete sentences (1)

"Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets when given." This part ...
321learnenglish.com | No comment
EvAU - Selectividad Castilla-La Mancha - Use of English - rephrasing (5)

EvAU - Selectividad Castilla-La Mancha - Use of English - rephrasing (5)

"Rewrite the following sentences starting with the words given." This part of the university entrance exam in Castilla-La M...
321learnenglish.com | No comment
EvAU - Selectividad Castilla-La Mancha - Use of English - rephrasing (4)

EvAU - Selectividad Castilla-La Mancha - Use of English - rephrasing (4)

"Rewrite the following sentences starting with the words given." This part of the university entrance exam in Castilla-La ...
321learnenglish.com | No comment
EvAU - Selectividad Castilla-La Mancha - Use of English - rephrasing (3)

EvAU - Selectividad Castilla-La Mancha - Use of English - rephrasing (3)

"Rewrite the following sentences starting with the words given." This part of the university entrance exam in Castilla-La M...
321learnenglish.com | No comment
EvAU - Selectividad Castilla-La Mancha - Use of English - rephrasing (2)

EvAU - Selectividad Castilla-La Mancha - Use of English - rephrasing (2)

"Rewrite the following sentences starting with the words given." This part of the university entrance exam in Castilla-La ...
321learnenglish.com | No comment
EvAU - Selectividad Castilla-La Mancha - Use of English - rephrasing (1)

EvAU - Selectividad Castilla-La Mancha - Use of English - rephrasing (1)

"Rewrite the following sentences starting with the words given." This part of the university entrance exam in Castilla-La M...
321learnenglish.com | No comment
PEvAU - Selectividad Andalucía - Use of English - Correct mistakes

PEvAU - Selectividad Andalucía - Use of English - Correct mistakes

"Use of English" is worth about a third of the grade you get in the university entrance exam (SAT) in Andalucía (Spain)....
321learnenglish.com | No comment
PEvAU - Selectividad Andalucía - Use of English - Join sentences

PEvAU - Selectividad Andalucía - Use of English - Join sentences

In this part of the exam, you have join the following sentences using an appropriate linker without using "and", "...
321learnenglish.com | No comment
PEvAU - Selectividad Andalucía - Use of English - Rewriting / Rephrasing

PEvAU - Selectividad Andalucía - Use of English - Rewriting / Rephrasing

This is one of the most important exercises of "Use of English". You have to rewrite the following sentences without chang...
321learnenglish.com | No comment
PEvAU - Selectividad Andalucía - Use of English - Direct speech

PEvAU - Selectividad Andalucía - Use of English - Direct speech

Just as the students have to show their knowledge of the reported speech, transforming sentences from reported speech to direct spee...
321learnenglish.com | No comment
PEvAU - Selectividad Andalucía - Use of English - Active voice

PEvAU - Selectividad Andalucía - Use of English - Active voice

Students are usually asked to turn sentences into the passive voice to show their right command of the English language. This time, ...
321learnenglish.com | No comment
PEvAU - Selectividad Andalucía - Use of English - Reported speech

PEvAU - Selectividad Andalucía - Use of English - Reported speech

Turning sentences into the reported speech is one of the most important and difficult transformations that students have to face whe...
321learnenglish.com | No comment